Sunday, September 16, 2012

OH so yummy wrap!

Today for lunch I made this wrap. It was a spinach wrap tortilla with mayo mixed with cumin, ham lunch meat, shredded cheddar cheese, and spinach leaves. It was YUM!!!!
This was my wrap. It was YUMMY! and HUGE! (I was still hungry afterwards lol)

Kids wrap

Erik swinging last week.

My crazy menu planning

OH this was a quesadilla I made my roommate two weeks ago. I was so amazing. I had one similar but this one had bell peppers, velveeta cheese, mushrooms, rotel, onions, and cheddar cheese. It was the best quesadilla I've made to date!

Ok, so I have been working out non-stop lately. Trying to get back into shape. I feel great! Off to study for nutrition! Goodnight!

Gotta love it!

Gods love is never ending!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

I've lost something...

I love school. Even though most days it is extreamly boring, I still love it. Some people aren't able to go to school or think they cannot do it.... That used to be me. I used to think how can I ever go to school? I have two kids! Who has the time???

Well, I'm doing it. Now I just need to find a job. Great news! I will graduate in just one more year!!!! YAY! My Nutrition and Diet Therapy teacher  told me about another Dietetics program today. I got the pamphlet and everything! YAY!, again. This year is just flying by. The 3rd week of classes is already over! Christmas and Thanksgiving will be here before I know it!

OH! So, I have lost something!!! I lost one pound! Yes, you may think one pound, who cares. But to me that is huge. I now weight 4 pounds lighter than I did on my birthday at the beginning of the year. YAY me. I've been running 5 days a week for the past 2-3 weeks and have been practicing Yoga. I have been doing both Hatha Yoga and Power Yoga. As much as I love the Power Yoga, because it is fast paced and whatnot, I think Hatha Yoga is more my style. I want to be able to do push ups while doing a hand stand! That stuff is awesome!

Whew, well I guess that is my little vent for the week. I may come up with something tomorrow or this weekend. I intend on making a Banana Carmel Pie! YUM! (((There goes all my hard work in loosing another pound. I'll have to try one tiny slice and give the rest away.

too busy studying on the weekends even to turn on my computer

driving, perfect time for a photo shoot?

Studying, at school, bored

This was actually taken on the second day of PreK
I noticed because I know what my baby was wearing which day, I'm that mom. LOL

Gotta love it!

God gives me strength!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

In the swing of things

So its the second week of school! YAY!

There is very little likely that I will keep up with my blog during this semester. I am taking SIX classes! YIKES! I know.

Well, I am going crazy 24/7 almost juggling everything I am doing. And you know what, its working. I have to give God all the credit because without Him I would fall and not get back up. I started my nutrition and diet therapy class last week and love looooove the book. Now the teacher, not so much to love. She is one of the monotone teachers, who says "UM"... A-LOT! I am super duper bored in class because I am already so far ahead in the book. I am trying to keep interested, but my patience is fading fast. I just may try and switch to her online class that way I can speed through this super easy subject, and not have to go to school so stinking early. Well, one good thing that is coming from the class is that she talked to us the first day about the website... I love the site. I found it at the very beginning of this year and was addicted after the first day. It had loads of information about eating healthy and balancing meal plans and all that jazz. :) YAY! I'm a nerd, I know. Whenever it comes to nutrition, I want to know everything! Annnnnyways, I have since found my way back to the web site and realized I've lost 3 lbs. since the beginning of the year. WHOO HOO! OK. So, I am once again hooked on the super tracker part where you can input all the food and drink you eat in one day and it will tell you how you are doing on eating right, etc., etc. CHECK OUT THE SITE! IT's truly awesome. It will blow your mind with how good or poorly we are eating. I was shocked about how little carbs and protein I really eat. I stick mainly to veggies and fruit. Well, needless to say, I think, I am back on to balancing my diet... AND I have starting working out again. BIG YAY! I have already worked out 167 minutes this week. :) GO me!
Anyways, I just wanted to blog about the first week of nutrition. I don't even have time to begin to rant about my other classes.

Lesson learned this week: Balance my diet better. Hello!  ;)
Thing I am doing well: eating lots of fruits. and working out strong.
Things I need to work on: Better balance my diet, for real. and staying in my budget for food each week...
Things I look forward to this semester: toning my body through Yoga and Running!!!

Gotta love it!

God gave me the desire to be a Holistic Nutritionist.